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8th June 1:18pm
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Block 6212

The New Gang (649) were seen while setting fire to a building on block 6212. The word is that 1 'cruit was taken away by the police.

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Block 2611

An older portion of block 2611 was the scene of a three alarm fire. An arson investigation squad turned up clues that the fire began in an export warehouse. A medium-sized force of Scum Bags (570) were spotted leaving the building.

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Block 2715

A cease fire was broken at the corner of block 2715. The Scum Bags (570) attacked the Torn (107) for the domination of the block. Scum Bags (570) lost 1 gang member and grabbed ownership of the block. The Torn (107) lost 1 youth.

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Block 3549

Block 3549 was the site of a savage fire as about 46 percent of the apartment buildings were burned by an expert arsonist. A violent troop of New Gang (209) were spotted racing from the scene as the fire blazed to life.

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Block 102

Arson alert declared by mayor! Block 102 was hit by a tragic fire as about 14 percent of the entertainment buildings were torched. A fearsome group of Mad Dogs (433) were spotted leaving the building.

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KJC Games Ltd specialises in play by email (pbem) and play by mail (pbm) games.
Home breaker Order Editor
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!   It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!