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image of 3 gangsta's for It's A Crime multiplayer game


It is now time for you to learn how to issue orders to your gang. Each order is detailed below, including its format, an explanation, and an example. Some order types simply consist of a single letter while others are made up of a single letter followed by a series of numbers. The parts of the order enclosed in parentheses are numbers you must supply. The parentheses are not a part of the order and should not be copied. The order in which you write your instructions on the turn card is the order in which they are processed. Order # 1 is processed before Order # 2, and so on.

The specification of 'bldg #' (building #) is a number from 1 to 3. In section 2 of your results sheet you will see up to 3 building types listed for each block. Specify '1' for bldg # to target the first building type listed, '2' for the second, and '3' for the third.

Warning: it is not advisable to issue the same order type many times during one turn (e.g. 7 control orders is excessive).

All the order types benefit you in some way and you should try each of them at appropriate times to see what effect they have.

A (%gang) (block #)

AMBUSH. Ambush another gang on their turf. This is the best way to reduce the number of enemy gang members. Be sure that you specify a block # which is controlled by the gang you wish to ambush. Note that the total %gang you specify in all of your Ambush orders during a turn may not exceed your gang's morale (i.e. if your morale is 51 you can order no more than 51% of your gang to perform ambushes this turn) You need to send at least one pro to lead the ambush.

For example A 24 4838 would send 24% of your gang to ambush the gang which controls block 4838.

B (amount of money) (item #)

BUY. Spend gang money in an attempt to purchase special items. Items are: (1) shotguns, (2) submachine guns, (3) small bombs, and (4) streetdope. The number shown in parentheses before each item is the item # used in the order. You can use items on the same turn you purchased them, but only in orders that occur after the Buy order.

For example: B 800 4 would have your gang attempt to spend $800 purchasing streetdope.

C (%gang) (block #)

CONTROL. Attempt to take control of a block. Be sure you send at least one pro or punk along, as 'cruits by themselves will fail. Be sure you specify a block adjacent (connecting) to one that your gang already controls. Diagonal blocks are not considered to be adjacent.

For example: C 35 4934 would send 35% of your gang to try to take control of block 4934.

Special Note: If you already control the block or if it is not adjacent to your turf, your gang will then try to retake control of a block your gang lost since your last turn was processed (if there were any).

D (gang #)

DEFEND AGAINST GANG. Your gang will watch out for this particular gang. This is a standing order that will be in effect until you change it. Each turn you will learn this gang's notoriety and how many blocks it controls. Further, if this gang tries to grab one of your blocks or attempts to ambush you, your gang will respond with greater effectiveness and take fewer losses than normal. You may only defend against one enemy gang at a time.

The one disadvantage of this order is that your gang members tend not to run away when heavily outnumbered.

For example: D 481 defends your turf against gang # 481.

E (%gang)

ENLIST RECRUITS. Your gang attempts to recruit new gang members. You can use new 'cruits on your next turn (not the turn in which you recruit them).

For example: E 22 uses 22% of your gang to enlist new members.

F (%gang) (block #) (bldg #)

FIREBOMB. Your gang commits an act of arson by firebombing a particular building. Arson works best on a block controlled by another gang. The order will fail if you do not send a pro (punks and 'cruits need a leader). It is risky to send a large portion of your gang. You need small bombs for maximum effectiveness, and, if they are available, your gang will use as many as necessary.

For example: F 18 3413 2 will send 18% of your gang into block 3413, who will attempt to burn down bldg # 2. If you succeed, you may receive a payoff.

M (%gang) (block #)

MUG. Mug a defenceless-looking person found on the block. Try to send at least one pro or punk.

For example: M 11 3038 sends 11% of your gang into block 3038 to mug the first unfortunate soul found.

P (amount of streetdope)

PUSH DRUGS. Sell drugs for profit. Warning: big time pushers come to the attention of the police narcotics unit. For example P 9 orders your gang to try to sell 9 streetdope.

R (%gang) (block #) (bldg #)

ROB. Rob a particular building. Send a pro, but not a large number of gang members.

For example: R 13 2309 1 would send 13% of your gang into block 2309 to rob something from one of the bldg # 1 buildings.

S (gang #)

SPY ON GANG. Secretly check out a rival gang.

For example: S 903 will cause your gang to scout gang # 903.

T (%gang)

ACT TOUGH. Act tough/rowdy, play ghetto blasters at deafening volume etc. Your gang members will seize the first opportunity to cause some trouble or make some bucks. Send more than one gang member, but not a whole lot of your gang.

For example: T 8 will cause 8% of your gang to hang out and act tough on your turf.

U (amount of streetdope)

USE DRUGS. Party! Get your gang high. Very good for boosting low morale.

For example: U 12 will cause your gang to throw a party and use 12 of the gang's streetdope.


In addition to these orders, you can scout any 4 blocks in the city each turn. You will also receive a report of all the blocks you control and of blocks where you conducted actions.

If your gang is large enough, you can scout up to 4 more blocks when you do a Double Turn Area turn. Your gang must have 55+ members to scout a 5th block, 70+ for a 6th block, 85+ for a 7th and 100+ for an 8th.

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Gangster with gun image for It's A Crime multiplayer game

artwork by D.Mallinder

It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!   It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!