You've finished reading
the rules. If you've decided this just isn't for you, please pass this
rulebook and the other game materials on to a friend.
However, if you want to
give it a try, look over your results sheet while re-reading the rules.
If you did not receive a start-up results sheet, fill in a turn card
with your name and address, and write on it that you wish to be set
up. We will send you a start-up results sheet, along with credit for
two free turns.
When you've finished reading
over your start-up results sheet, begin filling in your turn card.
Look over how we filled in the sample turn card. When you have filled
in your turn card, mail it to us. We start a new game every 7-8 weeks
and you will be in the next game started.
If you are really excited
about playing, you can start with up to 2 gangs in each new game.
Please send in a turn card
with the heading portion filled in. Then, in the orders section write 'Dropping
Out' and sign your name. Thank you.
If you do not submit a turn
card for your gang for 3 or more consecutive game weeks, we reserve
the right to turn your gang over to someone else who wishes to send
in turns on a regular basis.
NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK (Standby Players)
From time to time a gang leader loses interest in running
his gang and disappears off the face of the Earth/goes straight/joins a cult.
This gives an opportunity for a new leader to take over (we call these standby players).
Newcomers to the city can cause resentment amongst the other gang leaders, for this
reason we have set down some ground rules.
*Standbys are generally new players who have joined to get a feel for
the game while waiting for the next new game to start (but not always).
*Standby gangs are taken over 'as seen' and NOT boosted in anyway.
*If it is the player's second gang (attained by a TO order), it's starting
block will not be too close to his original gang.
*Standbys will only be given gangs up to game week 15. (new rule).
*If the game is less than 6 weeks old and the standby is on turn zero,
they will be allowed to process extra quick catchup turns until they have caught up. This is
monitered very closely and if this is abused by a Standby player to the detriment of an existing
player, the catchup turns will stop, as they are intended to help a disadvantaged gang. They
are not an automatic right.
It's a Crime is a game which has a high drop out rate (especially after
the first two free turns have been used!) Therefore keeping the game active with standbys is a
necessary part of the game. Any street gang worth it's salt are never afraid of a little competition.
Create your own map in the
following way:
1. Number it so that the
one block you control is in the centre, like the map above (which is
based on the sample starting results sheet.
2. Decide what you wish
to show on your map. The most important thing to show is who controls
each block. This is the only thing we noted on our sample map. Thus
block 1210 shows 354 (the sample gang #) in it.
How we filled out the
sample turn card
1. We chose a gang name,
which can be up to 20 characters in length, including spaces, and filled
this in. Do not choose a name that begins with 'The' or the
leader's name. Good choices are 'Shamrock' and 'Death
Scavengers'. Bad choices are 'The Shamrocks' and 'Dirk's
2. We left the Game No.
blank (had we had a game number on the starting sheet we would have
put this) but ticked the 'first turn for this' box
3. We filled in our name.
Had we not got an account number we'd also need to fill in our full
4. We carefully copied the
gang # from our results sheet.
5. We filled in our account
number. If we hadn't got an account number, this area would be left
blank and we would then be assigned one.
6. Order # 1 - We decided
to have 19% of our gang members attempt to rob a warehouse complex
on block 1310. (2 'cruits went plus 1 pro because it is the first order
with a %gang.)
7. Order # 2 - We decided
to send 75% of our gang to attempt to take control of a tough block,
1110. (1 pro, 3 punks & 10 'cruits. The pro and two of the punks
were armed with our 3 shotguns).
8. Order # 3 - We decided
to purchase drugs and try to spend $550.
9. Order # 4 - We decided
to send 6% of our gang to attempt to take control of block 1211, which
should be a pushover. 6% would normally not send any gang members -
it's not enough to send even one 'cruit - but this 6% puts our total
%gang at 100% and so whatever remains of our gang is sent. In this
case, 2 punks and 2 'cruits remain unallocated.
10. We decided to scout
blocks 1209, 1111, 1109, and 1311. Although our start-up results sheet
already shows block 1209, we scouted it again to see if anyone has
taken control of the block in the past week.
Confused about what to do
on your first turn? Try this:
1. Gang name - make up a
gang name. It can be 20 characters in length.
2. Game # - We left game # blank (if there'd been a game number on the starting
sheet we'd have put this) and as this is the first turn card for this
game we ticked the little box just below.
3. Your name.
4. Mailing address - if it has changed or you don't have an account number.
5. Gang #.
6. Acct # - if you already have one. Otherwise leave it blank and you will
be assigned one.
Order # 1 C
25 _____ ß Insert block # by looking at the 4 uncontrolled
blocks in Section 2 on your starting results sheet - choose the one
which has the lowest (weakest) defence level (as shown in the
Quick Reference section.)
Order # 2 C 50 ______ ß Insert
block # - choose the uncontrolled block with the 2nd lowest defence
level. Remember not to choose the one block you already control (the
one labelled YOUR GANG'S BLOCK).
Order # 3 T 25
Order # 4 B 1000 4
Scout Blocks: ______ ______ ______ ______
Fill in 4 blocks that are
adjacent to your
turf (best assume that you will succeed
in capturing the 2 blocks above)
If you can't figure out
which blocks to scout, leave this area blank. You will see your gang
choose 4 random blocks which are adjacent to your turf. From them,
you will choose which blocks you will attempt to take control of.
The above will order your
gang to attempt to take control of the 2 weakest adjacent blocks, act
tough, and try to spend $1000 buying streetdope. Next turn you might
Use 4 streetdope and Push the remainder.
at a minimum, 6 blocks after your 4th turn is processed. You're doing
fantastic if you have 11 or more blocks by then.
friendly with at least one of the gangs next to you. You'll be given
the addresses of every player whose gang you meet on your results sheet.
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