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image of 3 gangsta's for It's A Crime multiplayer game


A (enforcers) (boss #)

ASSAULT ENEMY FAMILY. This is very dangerous. Your enforcers will attempt to kill the enemy boss and as many of his family as possible. This usually results in an all-out war between the two families, as your enforcers try to assault his headquarters. Regardless of the success, both families can lose a lot of enforcers in the attempt. An attempt on the boss's life will only occur if you can overcome the enforcers defending the house. The estate gives a bonus to the defending enforcers. The larger the estate, the better the bonus.

Enforcers from unsuccessful "minor bosses" often have little chance to defeat the enforcers of a highly successful Mob Boss.

You may issue this order many times per turn, however the only one that will happen is the first one that passes the checks for enough enforcers available and the enemy boss is still alive.

This order is not effective until the beginning of week 26 (it takes that long for your staff to locate the headquarters of the other bosses) unless a boss declares as godfather before week 26 in which case they can be assaulted immediately.


B (enforcers) (gang #)

BLANKET PROTECT BUSINESS. This order sends enforcers to your businesses. The number of enforcers specified is the number of enforcers you want at each business controlled by this loyal gang.

Unless zero enforcers are specified, it will not decrease the number of enforcers already present. (Also see 'P' order.)

If you specify '0' for gang #, enforcers will be sent to all of your businesses (should you have enough enforcers).

If you specify '0' for enforcers, all enforcers at that gang's businesses will return to protect you (they arrive at the end of the turn).

If you specify '0' for both enforcers and gang #, you are recalling all enforcers at your businesses.


C (block #)

CHECK OUT BOSS MAP. This order gets you a 15 x 15 block map of mob boss territory. The map is centred on the block # you specify. This order requires 12 enforcers to perform the mission and may be issued just once per turn. This order can be safely issued if the block # you specify is controlled by one of your loyal gangs. Otherwise …


D (block #)

DISRUPT BLOCK. Two enforcers "cause problems" on the block you specify. If there are defending enforcers at the Mob Business a fire fight will ensue. Where there are defending enforcers, the odds strongly favour the defenders. If a block with a Mob Business is successfully disrupted, the Mob Business will be shut down for a few weeks. Disrupted Mob Businesses do not count towards the required 80 needed to declare for Godfather.


E (enforcers) (pimps)

EMPLOY/HIRE: This order hires additional enforcers and/or pimps. It costs $1000 to hire your first enforcer, $1200 for your second, and continues to increase by $200 for each additional enforcer you hire on the same turn. Each enforcer comes equipped with his very own submachine gun. Pimps cost $600 each - the price does not increase like enforcers because there are plenty of slimes waiting to pimp for you.

For example: E 3 7 would hire 3 enforcers and 7 pimps at a cost of $7,800 (i.e. 1000 + 1200 + 1400 + 600 x 7)

Note: Enforcers and Pimps are each paid $300 per turn, including the turn they are hired. Newly hired enforcers are assigned to guard the boss but can be used elsewhere immediately.


G (boss #)

GET LIST. This order sends three of your enforcers to get you a list of all the gangs loyal to the mob boss you specify.

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KJC Games Ltd specialises in play by email (pbem) and play by mail (pbm) games.
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Gangster with gun image for It's A Crime multiplayer game

artwork by D.Mallinder

It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!   It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!