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image of 3 gangsta's for It's A Crime multiplayer game

H (amount of money, in thousands) (boss #)

HIRE A HITMAN. You take out a contract on another mob boss by hiring an out-of-town professional hitman. He will attempt to assassinate the boss you chose. The more you pay, the better the hitman.

A contract can last for several weeks … and ends when the hitman makes his attempt. You may only have one contract out at a time.

For example: H 124 656 will have you attempt to spend $124,000 to hire a quality hitman to take out Boss # 656.


I (gang #)

INSPECT LOYAL GANG'S TURF. The order is similar to the gang level order, Inspect Turf. However, it will only report the location of Mob Businesses. One enforcer is required for every 10 blocks that the gang specified controls.

For example: 31 blocks requires 4 enforcers.


K (enforcers)

KEEP ENFORCERS ON GUARD. This standing order prevents some or all of your enforcers from accidentally being allocated to your businesses. The number of enforcers you specify will, no matter what, not be allowed to protect your businesses. If you are assaulted, immediately following the assault, enforcers will be pulled back from your Mob Businessess in order to protect your boss. One enforcer will be taken from each Mob Businesses starting with the one with most enforcers and working down through the next most etc until either enough have been pulled back or all enforcers have been pulled back, whichever comes first. This will even occur between assault orders.


M (block #)

MAP AREA. See 'C' order. This order is the same as the 'C' order but reports gang turf instead of mob territory.


P (enforcers) (block #)

PROTECT LOCATION. You can assign a specific number of enforcers to protect a single mob business with this order. The number of enforcers you specify will be assigned to that block's business. Therefore, if the number already there is more than you specify, the difference will be reassigned to guard you.

For example, you have 13 enforcers at block 2832 and issue this order: P 6 2832. This will have 6 enforcers guard your business on block 2832. The other 7 will return to guarding the boss.

Note: Enforcers who return to guard the boss are not available for use during the turn they return.


R (gang #)

REMOVE GANG. This order allows a mob boss to sever his ties with a loyal gang. Any enforcers at mob businesses on this gang's turf will return at the end of your turn to your headquarters to guard you. You see, they first gotta go teach a lesson to the leaders of this gang and show them how unhappy da mob boss really is!


S (boss # or gang #)

SPY ON MOB BOSS OR GANG. Your family will try to learn what it can about the boss specified. This includes trying to determine the location of other family's mob businesses; but gangs that use the Inspect Turf Edge order are better at learning such locations.


T (gang #)

TERRORIZE GANG. Five enforcers harass and terrorise the specified gang. A wide variety of results can occur. Don't be over-zealous, though. Too much success against an active gang may earn that gang a Vengeance Death Mission.

When this order succeeds against an inactive gang which is close enough to become loyal to you, there is at least a 15% chance (and the chance increases on successive attempts) that the inactive gang will 'give in' and become loyal to you. In addition, all inactive loyal gangs have their 'OK' to take block flag set to OK.



GO UNDERGROUND. If you issue this order, it is the only order you can issue. You go underground. It is extremely difficult for a hitman to make the hit and greatly increases your chances of snaring the hitman. Also, Assault orders will have a smaller chance of killing you. Sending in another turn card with a normal set of orders cancels the U order.

If you wish to remain underground but also want normal adjustments performed (such as business income being credited to your family) and want an update of your family's statistics, submit a turn card with just a U order again.


W (gang #)

WEALTH TRANSFER. This order transfers $5000 to one of your loyal gangs.

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Gangster with gun image for It's A Crime multiplayer game

artwork by D.Mallinder

It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!   It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!