Contact Us | |
For enquiries regarding chasing up turns, queries regarding payments to your account and other non-specific urgent enquiries. This is also the email address to use for new players requesting game starts. | |
All game turns except for phoenix should be sent to this address. It is checked first thing in the morning and throughout the day. Input problems should also be sent here. | |
For existing players wishing to start a new game or a second position in a game. | |
Comments about, problems with and suggested changes to our website. | |
For letters needing the personal attention of the management. | |
To contact Trev regarding Quest GME moderation only.
Quest Unlimited and all general Quest enquiries, such as turn information or problems should be sent to | |
This email address is used for the auto processing of Phoenix turns. It is NEVER viewed by humans and as such, anything that is not recognized as a turn is simply lost. Do not send enquiries to this email address. For questions directly relating to Phoenix, send them to |
Your emails are important to us and we do want to read them, but as we get thousands of junk emails each week, many are auto-deleted prior to reading them. This is because there is simply not enough time to trawl through these on the off-chance a real enquiry may be buried. We are fairly good at spotting real enquiries but to prevent your email being mistaken for one wanting to sell us a timeshare, view dubious sites or buy the latest gimmick, it is important to have a suitable subject line.
Where possible use the name of the game you want help with, failing that, use a format that is specific.
Example Sensible Subject Lines
Problem with Quest Turn
I have screwed up my Crime Turn
Warlord - Help
Problem with KJC Acct:1234
Re: Latest KJC offer Credit my KJC account
If none of these apply, then use your or your company name and state the subject of the email clearly.
If you wish to write, please use the following address:
KJC Games 31 Raymond Ave, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY2 0TY UK Phone: +44 (0)1253 670146