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18th November 2:36pm
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Block 4257

A pair of Uzi-packing slope-heads from the Salvino Family (137) exercised some of their muscle on block 4257 owned by the Fightaholics (242). A mob business was disrupted for 3 weeks. (net gains/losses of this action: +0 to defense level of block)

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Block 1833

A heavily-armed pair of elite enforcers from the notorious Newboss Family (22) exercised some of their muscle on block 1833 owned by the Orange Monkeys (973). They gave a gang member lou gehrig's disease using a baseball bat and the gang in charge here gave up control and headed to safety. (net gains/losses of this action: +6 to defense level of block)

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manhattan sky
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Block 4222

An attacking mass of Hackers (976) marched into block 4222 and conducted a manhunt for the Crusaders (923) to make it clear to them who is number one. The 7 gang members they overtook uttered a few vulgar phrases at the enemy and decided to fight another day. as a result, this block became uncontrolled with only the residents there to defend it. Our gang grabbed yet another block without a drop of our blood being shed (block# 4222). Once we let it be known that we'd run an mta bus through the first floor of a couple buildings the residents decided they weren't so tough after all.

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Block 4130

A heavily-armed pair of elite enforcers from the notorious Newboss Family (22) tried to cause some trouble on block 4130 owned by the Subjugate (985). They played 'bullet tag' with a gang member and the streetgang wisely relinquished control of this block. the Subjugate (985) wet their pants as they fled the mob tough guys. (net gains/losses of this action: +0 to defense level of block)

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Block 5512

A cool-looking bunch of diseased Hackers (106) stealthily entered block 5512 and hunted down the Great Apes (465) to destroy their will to live. The 6 petrified gang members they encountered were shocked by this enemy presence in their turf and scrammed with their tails between their legs. As a result, this block became uncontrolled with only the residents there to defend it. The Hackers (106) made a move and sent 32 toughs into block 5512. Since there was no gang in control they added it to their turf.

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KJC Games Ltd specialises in play by email (pbem) and play by mail (pbm) games.
Home breaker Order Editor
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!   It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!